Dom F Scab | de

Das Ganze ist mehr als die Summe seiner Teile. Mit ihrem zweiten Studioalbum „Our Time“ liefern Scab 2008 einen stichhaltigen Beweis für die steinalte Aristoteles-These. Hier lassen vier Vollblutmusiker mit verschiedensten Vorlieben ihren Gedanken freien Lauf, werfen zündende Ideen zusammen – und landen bei einem kernig-punkigen Rock-Album, das viel mehr ist als die Addition seiner Bestandteile. „Our Time“ beweist: Scab haben ihre Spur gefunden. Zwölf clever ausbalancierte Songs bewegen sich vogelfrei im Spannungsfeld zwischen flammendem Rock und positivem Tiefsinn, Melancholie, angerautem Pop-Punk und Zeitgeist. „Wir jagen keinen Klischees nach, sondern machen unser Ding“, definiert Scab-Sänger Roman die Band-Philosophie. Hinkucker-Tattoos? Schwere...
Buscabulla (Spanish slang for troublemaker) is the music project of Puerto Rican designer and Brooklyn resident, Raquel Berrios and Luis Alfredo Del Valle. .
There are 4 bands called The Scabs: a Belgian band, an American funk rock band, an American hardcore band, and an American punk band. 1. - the SCABS are a Belgian band that made one of the most popular Belgian songs ever: "Hard Times". Lead singer: Guy Swinnen, Drums: Frank Saenen, Bass: Fons Symons, Guitars Willy Willy. The band, formed in 1981, had their greatest successes in Belgium in the late eighties and early nineties. They released their first two singles in 1981. After splitting up in 1996, the band came together again in september 2007 for three sold out...
Dom F Scab is one of the internationally most recognized Spanish electronic musicians in the field of analog synthesis, despite being mostly unknown in his own country. His presence forces us to remember that there is a good number of followers of this kind of ambient and sequential electronic music in Spain, and that during the 70’s the country had one of the pioneer european bands: Neuronium. Despite of the influence of synthesists from the 70’s, such as Neuronium and other obvious references like Tangerine Dream and Klaus Schulze, Dom F. Scab finds his own way of creating a contemporary...
Gefunden 95 Lieder, Dauer: 09:16:21
The Unpredictable Device
This Is Relative
Goodbye, Circle, Goodbye
Cause & Effect
La Source Des Dieux
03 Dizziness
01 Lighthouse
04 Crossroads
Miracle Of The Flight
Rescue of Hope
Necessary Fears
05 Rupture
Abandoned Places
06 Ablaze
An Adequate Dose of Stupidity
Eternal Tree
Rescue Of Hope (Fact IV)
One of the Most Expected Mistakes
Fears and Poetry
You and Somebody Else
Cuerpos Celestes
Metal Bird Creation (Fact I)
Incineration Works
Saving Dreams
Metal Bird Creation
Old Prophecy
After Secrets
Crossed Thoughts
Crossed Thoughts
Urban Graffiti
Universe Mechanism (Fact VIII)
Parent Thesis
2000 Kms