Bond Artist | de

WARNUNG! Wenn Sie diesen Künstler löschen, werden möglicherweise andere Künstler und Scrobbels aus Ihrer Bibliothek entfernt - bitte seien Sie vorsichtig! Hinweise: Hier können Sie Ihre Alben anzeigen, die als "Various Artists" (für "Verschiedene Künstler") gekennzeichnet sind. Und es macht durchaus einen Unterschied, ob Sie die deutsche Übersetzung "Verschiedene Künstler" statt des englischen Begriffs "Various Artists" als Albumkünstler in den ID3-Tags der lokalen Audiodateien oder in editierten Scrobbels benutzen, da dieser nur dann automatisch ins Englische übersetzt wird, wenn Sie die Autokorrektur in Ihren Webseiten-Einstellungen aktiviert haben. Sollten Sie dies ausgeschaltet haben (was aus verschiedenen Gründen sinnvoll sein kann), werden...
As a resident at Gatecrasher in Sheffield, England, Scott Bond's reputation grew quickly, making him one of the U.K.'s most esteemed trance DJs at the end of the '90s. Voted Resident of the Year 1999 and fifth in the Best DJ poll by the readers of Mixmag, a popular U.K. dance magazine, Bond was also featured on Radio 1's Essential Mix show multiple times, further illustrating his popularity in England. In addition, he began increasing his reputation by spinning in other countries around the world. .
Bitte korrigieren Sie Ihre ID3-Tags. Damit respektieren Sie die Interpreten und Komponisten der Soundtracks. .
Graham John Clifton Bond (28 October 1937 in Romford, East London, England – 8 May 1974 at Finsbury Park station, Finsbury Park, North London, England) was an English musician, considered a founding father of the English rhythm and blues boom of the 1960s. Along with John Mayall and Alexis Korner, Bond was one of the great catalytic figures of '60s rock in Britain. Technologically and musically, Bond was an innovator, perhaps the first British musician to use the Hammond organ and Leslie speaker combination (in an R&B context), the first to "split" the instrument for portability, the first to build...
When the UK's largest radio station starts caning your new tune, you know you've done something right. In fact, it seems Luke Bond cannot put a foot wrong. Bursting onto the scene in 2012 with huge vocal hit 'The Other Side', and having scored ASOT tune of the week, he has since released an army of club-facing anthems which has led to support from the world's biggest DJs, including Gareth Emery, A...rmin Van Buuren, Paul Van Dyk, Nicky Romero, Dash Berlin, W&W, Max Graham and Darude. The freshest and most exciting name on Garuda, Bond's ascent shows no sign of...