Boldness Gilded | de

Gilded uses his music talents to create melodies and beats of various sorts. His songs often feature rather abstract topics, ranging from global destruction to mathematics, from famous slogans such as "Camp!" and "Well, I exploded then" to entities of unimaginable kicking power attached to surprisingly low amounts of hair. Gilded is greatly inspired by Soijakastike OY that he thinks is the best musical project in the history of mankind right after Avril Lavigne, DragonForce, MC Hawking and The Berzerker and actually quite a few other artists. .
The Gilded Palace of Sin is a country band from Manchester, England. Their debut album "You Break Our Hearts, We'll Tear Yours Out" was released in the UK in 2009. (note that the Gilded Palace of Sin is an album by the country rock group The Flying Burrito Brothers; it was released in 1969) .