Alessandro Rolla | de

Henri Crolla (born Enrico Crolla; 26 February 1920 – 17 October 1960) was a French jazz guitarist. Born in Naples, Campania, Italy, to a family of itinerant Neapolitan musicians, he moved with his family to Porte de Choisy in France in 1922 following the rise of fascism in Italy. One of his neighbors was a young Django Reinhardt, with whose family he became close. He died in Paris. .
Straighte Techno-Beats und dunkle Flächen, die in ihrer Kühlheit immer wieder an Detroit erinnern, prägen den Stil von Billy Dalessandro. Damit passt der in Chicago wohnhafte Produzent so gar nicht ins Bild, das man normalerweise mit der Stadt am Lake Michigan verbindet. Hier, wo Mitte der 80er Jahre Frankie Knuckles und Marshall Jefferson ein neues Genre elektronischer Musik aus der Taufe heben, ist House auch heute noch stark präsent in den Clubs. Dalessandro schwört weniger auf House, als vielmehr auf minimalen Techno. Konsequenterweise veröffentlicht er hauptsächlich auf deutschen Labels, die bei reduzierten Sounds international die Nase vorne haben. Force Inc.,...
Strollad is a French group formed in 1998 and a native of Vendee. Strollad is a bunch of lads combining ska, rock and Celtic music to charm the ears and shake your hips. Their music, eminently cordial, is an invitation to the party. After Matt Yec'hed released in 2001, the leading team returned in 2003 with a new album entitled The Day Slip. .
Was born in Milan, Italy in 1973. Composer, saxophonist and sound artist. Almost all his work in sound art has been based on the musicality of speech, on investigating the sonic qualities of interactions, misunderstanding, and translation. So far, he produced pieces for radio, electro-acoustic compositions, and pieces for ensemble and installations. His background and parallel present is that of being a soprano sax player in improvised and experimental music contexts. Generally speaking, he's probably an overthinking musician re-negotiating his musical practice each time and taking this re-negotiation into the artwork itself. .
Alessandro Moreschi (* 1858 in Montecompatrio; † 1922 in Rom) war einer der letzten Kastraten und der einzige, von dem heute noch Tonaufnahmen vorliegen. Seinen Gesangsunterricht begann Moreschi 1871 an der Scuola di San Salvatore. Im Alter von 25 Jahren trat er dem Chor der sixtinischen Kapelle bei. Aufgrund seiner besonderen Stimme wurde er auch als Solist des Chores eingesetzt. Ab 1898 leitete er den Chor als Dirigent. Obwohl Papst Pius X. im Jahr 1904 Kastraten im päpstlichen Chor verbot, durfte Moreschi bleiben. Aufnahmen von 1904 zeigen, dass er sogar noch als Solist tätig sein durfte. Moreschi starb im Alter...
Gefunden 14 Lieder, Dauer: 02:42:36
Concertino in E flat - III. Allegretto. Polonaise
Duetto N°2 In A Flat Major - Andante Sostenuto
Duetto N°1 In E Flat Major - Allegretto
Duetto N°1 In E Flat Major - Allegro
Concerto in D Major for flute & orchestra: Adagio
Duetto N°3 In C Major - Rondò (Presto)
Duetto N°1 In E Flat Major - Rondò Alla Polacca
Duo Concertant for Violin and Viola in C major
Duetto N°2 In A Flat Major - Rondò (Allegro)
Duetto N°1 In E Flat Major - Adagio Ma Non Troppo
Duetto N°3 In C Major - Allegro
Violin Concerto in C Major: II. Largo sostenuto
Duetto N°3 In C Major - Andante