Nocturnal Bloodlust | de

Formed in the armpit of the world Detroit murder city USA. We are comprised of 4 old-school front line vets of the Metal scene. We crank out a sound that could only be compared to the ruthless aggression of vintage German thrash Metal. But don't call us retro, unless you want your teeth removed, the hard way. We've upped the ante and will flat out crush any flavor of the month Swedish clone nerds, or blast wimps. Violence, warfare, destruction, hatred, and total annihilation are the name of the game. We're serious and to the point, like a loaded gun...
Japan (2009 - Präsent) Hiro der zuvor Sänger der Band Point Blank Range aus Seattle war, lernte September 2009 den Drummer Gaku kennen, der mit dem Gitarristen Jyunpei befreundet war. Sie entschlossen sich die Deathcore Band NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST (Nokubura) zu gründen und 2011 veröffentlichten ihre erste Single 「voices of the apocalypse -sins-」& 「voices of the apocalypse -virtues-」. 2012 unterzeichneten sie mit dem Visual Kei Management RAIZ ENTERTAINMENT und BELINE RECORDS einen Vertrag. Seither haben sie 1 Mini Album, 1 Album und 6 Singles veröffentlicht. .
Nocturnal Emissions is a British sound art project that since the early 1980s has released numerous records and CDs. If one were to classify their material, then such terms as 'electro-acoustic,' 'musique concrete,' hybridity,' 'sound collage,' 'post-industrial', and 'noise' might provide a foothold. The group's material constitutes part of an ongoing multimedia campaign in guerrilla semiotics, utilising video art, film, hypertext and other documents. The project was initiated in London in or around 1980 by Nigel Ayers (b. 1957) together with collaborators Danny Ayers (b.1964) and Caroline K(1957-2008). From early in their work, the group concentrated on the axiom of...
Better Referred to as Drewsif Stalin's Musical Endeavors. A one-man-band from Baltimore, Maryland. The one member, Andrew Reynolds, writes random music and records for fun all in the comfort of his basement. The Nocturnal is or was also called: Happy Homicide Drewsif Stalin Drewsif Stalin's Musical Endeavors DSME Download albums at Apparently there is another "The Nocturnal" , however no information is known about them. .