Николай Коперник | ar

Nikolay Victorovich Baskov is a Russian operatic pop singer. Nikolay Baskov studied Gnessin music academy in Moscow, and became an aspirant of Moscow State Petr Chaykovsky Conservatory. In 1998 Baskov won the first prize on All-Russian Young Singers Competition and second prize in Grande Voce competition 1999 in Spain. The same year Nikolay Baskov was invited to Bolshoi theatre troup. He performed the major arias in such operas as Yevgeni Onegin, Prince Igor, Boris Godunov, Traviata and others. In 2000 he recorded his debut solo album «Posveshenie» (Dedication). The video filmed for «In Caruso memory» (based on Adagio in G...
Группа московского саксофониста, гитариста и певца Юрия Орлова, бывшего участника ленинградских «Джунглей» и московской арт-роковой команды «До мажор». Нетрадиционная музыка «Н. К.», полная диссонансов, часто расплывчатая по форме и неясная по системе образов является воплощением творческих замыслов саксофониста, гитариста и певца Юрия Орлова, поэтому группа почти никогда не имела сколь-нибудь постоянного состава, и участники ее часто менялись. С «Н. К.» работало много интересных музыкантов, в том числе ударник Сергей Лобачев, басист Михаил Саушев (сейчас — в «Кураже»), клавишники Максим Трефан (сейчас в «Вежливом отказе»), Константин Гаврилов (сейчас снова вернулся в «Альянс») и Игорь Лень. В 1986 г. «Н. К.» вступает...
Nikolai Andreevich Roslavets (Russian: Николай Андреевич Рославец) (4 January 1881 – 23 August 1944) was a significant Soviet modernist composer. Roslavets was a convinced modernist and cosmopolitan thinker; his music was officially suppressed from 1930 on. Among his works are five symphonic poems (three of them are lost), two violin concertos, five string quartets, two viola sonatas, two cello sonatas, six violin sonatas, and five piano trios. There are three autobiographies by Roslavets that differ considerably from one another. In one of them, published 1924, the composer deliberately misrepresented his biography in order to prevent the attacks by the "Proletarian...
Nikolai Nikolaevich Rybnikov (Russian: Никола́й Никола́евич Ры́бников; 1930–1990) was a Soviet actor. He was awarded the honorary title People's Artist of the RSFSR (1981). .