Κώστας Μαρτάκης | ar

Κώστας Σκαρβέλης {Kostas Skarvelis} (Constantinople, Ottoman Empire 1880 - Athens, Greece April 8, 1942) was a Greek composer of popular music, οf the genre of rembetiko (ρεμπέτικο) in particular. He also wrote the lyrics for his songs and was an excellent guitar player, having participated in many recordings. Σκαρβέλης grew up in Constantinople, which at the time still had a significant Greek population. Due to unspecified adversities, during his childhood he was unable to attend a Greek school, hence lacked basic writing skills. He was nevertheless able to pursue his interest in music and had, by the age of 17,...
Κώστας Μουντάκης (Kostas Mountakis) was born on the 10th of February 1926 in Crete, Greece, at the village Alfa in Milopotamos, Rethimnon. His parents came from the village Kallikratis in Sfakia. His older brother Nikistratos was playing the lyre and so did Mitsos Kafatos - one of the best musicians in Rethimnon at that time - who was to become Kostas’ tutor. When the military occupation started Kostas was only 15 years old. Those days, he used to play his lyre and sing at the village’s coffee shop. Sooner than later, however, he managed to play all alone at his...
Kostas Karafotis was born in Trikala(Greece) in 1978. At the age of 8 he persuaded his father to buy him a bouzouki. He went to a music school and studied music theory, solfez and he had piano and bouzouki lessons. At the age of 18 he went to Sofia (Bulgary) where he studied medicine. In 2004 he took part in the TV talent show "Fame story" and he took the 3rd place. The next year he cooperated with Antonis Vardis and made his first album "Eimai Edo". On June of 2006 he made his second album "I kardia mou selida...
Ο Κώστας Χατζής γεννήθηκε στη Λειβαδιά της Βοιωτίας στις 13 Αυγούστου του 1936. Κατάγεται από οικογένεια τσιγγάνων λαϊκών μουσικών, καθώς ο παππούς του ο Κώστας Καραγιάννης (από το γένος της μητέρας του) ήταν ένας από τους διασημότερους δημοτικούς κλαρινίστες της εποχής του στην Ελλάδα, και ο πατέρας του Ευάγγελος Χατζής ήταν δεξιοτέχνης στο σαντούρι. Στα δεκαέξι του χρόνια, τραγουδούσε μαζί με τον πατέρα του σε γάμους, σε βαφτίσια και σε άλλες εκδηλώσεις. Αυτή την περίοδο, γράφει τα πρώτα του τραγούδια που μιλάνε σχεδόν αποκλειστικά για τους καημούς και τα βάσανα της φυλής του. Το 1957, έπειτα από ένα μεγάλο διάστημα...