Wędrujący Wiatr | ar

Wędrujący Wiatr (English translation: "Wandering Wind") is an atmospheric black metal duo from Rabka-Zdrój / Olsztyn, Poland formed in 2011. The band's name is pronounced, more or less, like "Vendrooyontsee Vyatr". Their debut album titled "Tam, gdzie Miesiąc opłakuje Świt" was released in 2013 on Werewolf Promotion. It contains elements of folk and field recordings of nature environments. Their lyrical themes deal with Polish folklore, night, nature, and legends. Members: Razor - drums, vocals, keyboards W. - guitars, bass, lyrics .
From the FOMORII / Wiatr split - WIATR (featuring GEIMHRE guitarist Wiatr) are very similar to both Fomorii and Geimhre, but also strongly inspired by early ULVER and TEMNOZOR-- evident by the crystalline high-calibre acoustic tracks, and the Temnozor cover-version. .
Band 'Strefa Mocnych Wiatrów' was founded in February 2004 in Warsaw (Poland). They play standars of shanties music, but also their own compositions. Their shanties are quiet non-typical, with influence of blues, hard-rock and heavy metal. Their debout took place in 29 May 2004 in Rybnik. 'Strefa Mocnych Wiatrów' has got the material for about 2-hours, where half of their songs are their compositions - their lyrics are about sailing and sailoring (Darek Wołosewicz is the author of all of them). Music is composed by Darek Adamczyk and Darek Wołosewicz as well as other members of band, who participate in...