Western Heritage | ar

The Western Front is an indie-rock band in Austin, TX by way of Iowa City, IA. Their upcoming release, "Between the Moon", will be released in early-2017. There was also a cowpunk band called The Western Front. They released 2 singles during the 80s. The most prominent thing about this band is their singer, Fred Cole, who was a member of the Weeds, the Lollipop Shoppe, Zipper, the Rats and Dead Moon. He is currently a member of the band the Pierced Arrows together with his wife Toody. .
A country-rock group fronted by Sid Griffin of the Long Ryders and the Coal Porters. Western Electric Band has decided to change its name once again ,hopefully for the last time we are having to much trouble with another group out west with the same name and people looking for us and getting them instead. So because we have done this once before Facebook will not let us change the name on this page again, therefore we will have to create another new page as ...( Longhorn Cadillac )... I will keep everyone posted when this happens and also we...
The grit of low-down country and urban blues to the bold brass of New Orleans; the hand-clapping, hustle and bustle of gospel to fiery postmodern, jazz-infused horn arrangements; the haunting cries of work songs to pulsating drums that reach back to the roots of it all—if you are lucky enough to hear the Heritage Blues Orchestra, you’ll experience this and more. From the first of the twelve tracks on their debut album And Still I Rise, Junior Mack’s propulsive rendition of Son House’s Clarksdale Moan, Heritage Blues Orchestra unapologetically stomps onto the scene and digs in with both heels—taking us...
Western Addiction was a punk rock band based in San Francisco formed in 2003 by four veterans of the punk scene who claimed they were sick of all the pop punk and emo and longed for the days of a thriving hardcore punk community. All four members work for Fat Wreck Chords. From the Fat Wreck web site: Do you remember when punk rock didn’t rely on prefixes? Like, you didn’t have to say ‘streetpunk’ or ’crust punk’ or ”political punk” or ’shit punk’ or ’art punk’ or ’pop punk’? Simpler, more straightforward times. Not easier times, just times where...
Dead Western plays the type of music that makes genres obsolete. It is not that DW does the cross genre pollination clusterbarf, but that Troy Mighty’s sounds exist outside of any one (or two or five) genres. Perhaps, just perhaps the music recalls the mellow, introspective side of Current 93 or the druggy downer folkishness of The Legendary Pink Dots but that is stretching things as much as claiming that Troy’s voice is a melted version of Bing Crosby. Yes, there are elements of downerism and croonerdom in Dead Western, but DW goes deeper than weird and depressing. There is...