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Wolter Kroes is a singer from the Netherlands. His songs are in Dutch. He was born in 1968 in Wormerveer. His most famous song is 'Ik heb de hele nacht liggen dromen ' Dutch Biography: Over Wolter Kroes De muzikale carrière van zanger Wolter Kroes begint al op 5-jarige leeftijd als hij drumles krijgt. Op twintigjarige leeftijd wint hij als zanger een talentenjacht waardoor zijn leven voorgoed in het teken komt te staan van het zingen en wel op zoveel mogelijk plaatsen. Enkele jaren later krijgt Wolter een contract aangeboden door Willem van Kooten. In 1995 breekt Wolter door met...
Chad Robert Kroeger (born on November 15, 1974) is the lead vocalist and co-lead guitarist for the band Nickelback, In addition to his work with Nickelback, Kroeger has been involved with a variety of collaborations, co-writing songs for other artists and for films. .
The winner of 'The Voice of Holland 2012". .
Performer and writer Jill Kroesen has not only participated in a number of rock bands and avant-garde productions, but has also produced original music theater works and written for independent publications. In the mid-'70s, after earning her M.F.A. at Mills College (where she studied with Terry Riley and Robert Ashley), Kroesen moved to N.Y.C. There, she worked briefly in Rhys Chatham's group before focusing on her own musical theater works and performance art works. Other performing credits include a role in Robert Ashley's early-'80s opera-for-TV project Perfect Lives, and her own recording for Lovely Music, Stop Vicious Cycles. Kroesen's work...