Remnants of Catacombs | ar

Vomit Remnants is a brutal death metal band from Japan. Starting in the end of 1997, Keisuke got together with Takahiro and Ryo to form a NY style brutal death metal band, in the vein of Internal Bleeding, Suffocation, and Dying Fetus. In December of 1997 they recorded a demo, "In The Name Of Vomit", which featured Shinjiro from Flesh Mangler on vocals. They promoted the demo world wide, and appeared in many death metal magazines with cool reviews / interviews etc.. In early 1998, Vomit Remnants recorded their second demo, "Brutally Violated". After a few weeks. they recorded an...
Scattered Remnants is a death metal/grindcore band from Massachusetts. Some of their most recognizable influences are Exhumed and Incantation. Jason Hendershaw on vocals, Rob Settergren on guitar, Ron Miles on bass, and Eric Roy on drums. .
There are 2 bands with the name Catacombs: 1. Formed in 2000 by Xathagorra Mlandroth and released only one full album in 2006 - "In the Depths of R'lyeh". Catacombs comes from USA and plays very slow funeral doom metal. Xathagorra Mlandroth plays on all the instruments as well as vocals. Lyrical Themes: Lovecraftian, Dark, Esoteric and Conceptual Discography (from Encyclopaedia Metallum): Echoes Through the Catacombs (EP, 2003) In the Depths of R'lyeh (Full-length, 2006) 2. Catacombs is a melodic death metal band from Melbourne, Australia. 3. Catacombs is a dubstep artist who provide a deep, dark dubstep which...
There are two bands known as The Remnants: 1) The Remnants USA, are tunesmiths. They swing from new school rockabilly, to Jangly Pop to Deep South/Blues/Funk/Rock. A lot of bristling energy comes sloshing off their records and their live shows. Plus the lead singer/songwriter (Tom Boynton) writes a fairly hilarious blog on their website: or Worth a gander. 2) Three Bristolians playing Pop Punk in the vein of Green Day and the Descendents worth a go! .
وجدت 1 الأغاني, المدة الزمنية: 05:15
Eternal Haunted Remnants