Mickael Carreira | ar

Tony Carreira (real name: António Antunes) is a Portuguese singer-songwriter internationally famous in countries like France, mostly between Portuguese emigrants. He was born in Armadouro, a little village in Pampilhosa da Serra, Centro region of Portugal. He went to Paris at 3 years old and lived there for 20 years. He started in 1991 with his debut album called "É Verão em Portugal", although with little success in audience, despite the single "Meu Herói Pequeno" being frequently played on the radio station Rádio Comercial by his friend, Carlos Ribeiro. In 1992 another album was out with the single "Boca Marota"...
Mickael Carreira (Dourdan, França, 3 de abril de 1986), nome artístico de Mickael Antunes é um cantor e letrista português de música pop latino. Michael herdou o apelido artístico Carreira do nome artístico do pai Tony Carreira. Com três álbuns de estúdio lançados, dois álbuns de edição especial, e um álbum ao vivo, Mickael obteve um total de 3 discos de ouro e 5 de platina, o que equivale a 130 mil cópias vendidas. Lançou os dois primeiros álbuns (incluindo as duas edições especiais) pela editora Vidisco em 2006 e 2007. Em 2009 assinou pela editora Farol Música, pela qual...
David Carreira (born July 30, 1991 in Dourdan) is a Portuguese model, actor and singer. In 2001, he returned to his homeland, Portugal, and joined the youth football club. However, due to knee injury, he had to quit the sport. He then went for modelling and walked in the country's most important events, such as "Moda Lisboa", "Portugal Fashion", among many other events and advertising campaigns of international renown, such as Cacharel. Carriera is also known for his appearance as a protagonist in the most successful youth series on Portuguese television "Morangos com Açúcar". In late 2011, he released his...