Garden Wall | ar

2004 - Present. UNISON SQUARE GARDEN (ユニゾン・スクエア・ガーデン) is a three-piece Japanese rock band that formed in April 2004 and signed to TOY'S FACTORY label. Their early releases were electropop-based, but over time become a rock style. UNISON SQUARE GARDEN were previously signed to the indie record label UK PROJECT. On July 23rd 2008, they made their major debut with the re-release of their demo single "Sentimental Period". Members * Saito Kousuke (斎藤宏介): Vocal & Guitar * Tabuchi Tomoya (田淵智也): Vocal & Bass * Suzuki Takao (鈴木貴雄): Vocal & Drums Even though they are young, they already have a number of...
ELLEGARDEN is a punk rock group that formed in December of 1998 in Chiba, Japan. It includes drummer Hirotaka Takahashi, vocalist Takeshi Hosomi, guitarist Shinichi Ubakata, and bassist Yuichi Takada. As of May 2, 2008, Ellegarden's leader Ubukata Shinichi announced an indefinite hiatus of the band. All previously decided shows (including shows not yet announced) up until early September 2008 will still be performed. Though they are on hiatus, the vocalist, Hosomi, has repeatedly stated that they will not be breaking up anytime soon, and will be back on the stage performing again in the future. Soon after the hiatus...
There are at least two artists with this name: a German girl group and a British rock band. 1.) Wonderwall is a German girl group consisting of eLa (Daniela Förstel) and Kati (Kathrin Schauer) - since autumn 2003 without Jule (Julia Beck). They write and compose all their songs themselves -their music is soft acoustic guitar pop with piano, percussion and English lyrics. 2.) Wonderwall is a British rock band. Its members are Chuck Martin, Stan Bullock, Marc Diffendal, and Ronald Tucker. .
NICO Touches the Walls is a Japanese rock band which consists of vocalist/guitarist Mitsumura Tatsuya (光村龍哉), guitarist Furumura Daisuke (古村大介), bassist Sakakura Shingo (坂倉心悟), and Tsushima Shotaro (対馬祥太郎) on drums. Formed in 2004, NICO Touches the Walls won the LOTTE Prize at the 2004 YAMAHA TEENS’ MUSIC FESTIVAL. They made the indie debut with Senha & Co. and are now signed to Ki/oon Records. .
Soundgarden is a Seattle rock band who helped to define the sound that came to be called grunge. Despite starting years earlier, and having a sound that more closely resembled Black Sabbath or Led Zeppelin than their contemporaries, they are considered one of the "big four" of the '90s Seattle grunge bands, along with Alice In Chains, Nirvana and Pearl Jam. The band was formed in 1984 by Chris Cornell (vocals, and originally drums) and Hiro Yamamoto (bass), to be joined later by Kim Thayil (guitar) and Scott Sundquist (drums). Thayil joined the band after moving to Seattle from Illinois...
وجدت 156 الأغاني, المدة الزمنية: 14:42:16
Over the Garden Wall
Over the Garden Wall
Over the Garden Wall
Over the Garden Wall
Money For School
Christmas Eve
Over the Garden Wall Soundtrack [Vinyl]
Paint A Rose On The Garden Wall
The Garden
The Garden Wall
Ghosts over the Garden Wall (In My Corner)
For Sara Side B
A Wall Of Glass
The Garden Wall
Garden Wall
Garden Wall
Garden Wall
Over the Garden Wall
Th Garden Wall
For Sara Side A
Garden Wall
Rain Wall
A Garden Wall
In a Garden
Garden Wall
Over the Garden Wall
Over The Garden Wall Full Soundtrack
Garden Wall
Rose Garden Wall
the garden wall
Garden Wall
Potatoes and remixes [Over the Garden Wall]
Over the Garden Wall