Emilie Mover | ar

DJ Jauche vs Brando aka Machomovers DJ Jauche and Bjoern Brando have been working together since their resident DJ days at Berlin's legendary "Walfisch" club. Since these parties in the early 1990's they presented their unique style in Spain, Greece, Italy, Austria, Poland, Russia, Malaysia and countless other clubs and events throughout Germany. In the summer of 1999 DJ Jauche, under the name "Jack Flash", released the bootleg "Love is in the Air". The song was an instant club hit which eventually lead to the world wide release of the same track, but this time with John Paul Young and...
Imagination Movers is the name of a children's music group from New Orleans, who have been named to "up-and-coming" lists. The group has issued successful albums, as well as a DVD. From the band's own website: "The Movers – Rich, Scott, Dave and Smitty -- began in New Orleans in 2003 and now are fast-rising stars on the national kids music scene thanks to their combination of radio-friendly songs, kid-friendly themes and dynamic live shows. In concert, the Movers teach high-energy dances, play games with the audience and make music on their one-of-a-kind trashcan drumset. Kids and parents help perform...
Emilie is a young and talented singer/songwriter who is inspired by musicians like Nick Drake and CocoRosie. Listening to music of others is by far not her only inspiration: Studying theatre at daytime and taking long walks through the nightly streets of Stockholm is part of her musical recipe. But the most important ingredient for her music is a remote area, far away from the city, somewhere in the Swedish countryside. The woods around that area can be seen as one of her main sources of inspiration. She spent half of her life in a house, practically in the forest...