Cerebral Extinction | ar

I met Cerebral in Newar Delaware while I was dating a shit head drug dealer. Cerebral would come over ourhouse and spin and create the most amazing musioc I had ever heard. I have been trying to find him Matt it Jess Z. please email me at jessica [email protected]. I got rid of the loser Adam and am doing great, Cerebral is the most tallented musician after Aphex Twin and Square Pusher. J zearfoss .
Line up: Ptr (everything, including back vocals), Ptra (vocals). Soul Extinction started in the summer of 2008. Ptr had a few ideas about new dark music. He asked Ptra to do the voice on one song (Lost). The result was amazing. They recorded two more songs and uploaded them to MySpace. The response was massive. Soul Extinction has now recorded 8 songs. At the moment Ptr is writing new music. Soul Extinction prepare to go live in August or September 2009. .
Cerebral Scars/CS is an electronic producer from the UK. .
Cerebral Bore are a death metal band based in Glasgow, Scotland. Although the name was used with different members in 2004, the Cerebral Bore that exists now wasn't born until 2006. From then, the main focus of the band has been to write brutal music and bring it to metal fans all over the planet. The Band recorded the E.P. "The Dead Flesh Architect" in November 2006, and played their first show the same month. For the next few months they played only in their home town, and made their first steps out of Scotland in June 2007, playing in...
Cerebral Sound Propagation is an experimental band that was created in December of 2005 by a Puerto Rican named Miguel Giovanni Franco living in Indiana, USA. His music contains lots of samples, glitches, breaks, and random noises of all sorts. Musical styles vary through all his albums and range from hyperactive and ridiculous electronica to super chilled-out ambient drones. Recommended for people who enjoy loud, vulgar, glitchy, nostalgic, chiptune-y, ambient, quiet, sleepy, annoying, dreamy, angry, magical, fruity, stupid, and nerdy music. Also, cats. Websites: cerebralsoundpropagation.bandcamp.com biobot.bandcamp.com .