Canzoni per bambini | ar

Musica per bambini (italian for "Music for children") plays children music, but he is pretty messed up so there are many weird sounds and noises in his songs. The lyrics are about death, killing and other things not so suitable for children. .
The CANZONIERE GRECANICO SALENTINO is the first folklore research group in Puglia. It has been active since 1975 and has always been present at musical events connected to folk. Since 1975 the band has promoted modern popular communication in the contemporary situation, without reviving past traditions, without searching for a lost identity; not a “nostalgic-archaeological” recovery but a process of independent expression. The CANZONIERE GRECANICO SALENTINO has a variety of themes: from the great energy of the pizzica pizzica (the typical dance of Salento) to the sweetness of Salento love songs, from the merriness of the typical southern Italy brass...
The Bambini di Praga choir is one of the top ensembles in Czech choral art. This select group of young singers, predominantly girls aged 12 to 20, is capable of meeting all artistic challenges on a high level thanks to the professional guidance of its leaders. It has been a guest on many stages around the world - in Paris, Berlin, Rome, Helsinki, Leipzig, Tokyo, New York, Osaka, Hong Kong, Jerusalem, Monte Carlo, Abu Dhabi, Boston, Johannesburg, Oslo, Seoul, Shanghai, Taipei, and elsewhere - and collaborates with leading Czech symphonic orchestras such as the Prague Symphony, the Prague Philharmonia, and...